Walk INN - 16 Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 1NT
02895 933232

How to set up a fundraising page

How to set up a fundraising page

Our guide to setting up your online fundraising page

Below you will find everything you need to know about online charity donation pages and how to set one up. It’s really simple to use and an effective way to generate donations easily.

Why use a charity donation website?

It’s safe and secure. The convenience and security of digital technology means more people than ever are choosing to host their charity fundraising using online donation platforms. As you receive donations from your supporters, the money is paid directly to Belfast And Lisburn Community Project allowing you to focus on your fundraising efforts and not worry about the logistics of paying money in.

Your online page is completely personal to you. You can include a story about why you’re fundraising for us, post updates, photos and progress videos – all of which make it more likely that friends, family and colleagues will donate.

It is shareable. When fundraising it’s important to try to reach as many people as possible. You can simply email your page link to friends, family and colleagues. You can also share your page link via social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp.

Creating a fundraising page on GoFundMe

  • First you will need to sign up to GoFundMe or log in to your existing account if you already have one.
  • Once you have logged into your account, click ‘Start Fundraising’. At this stage, you should select that you are fundraising for a charity. Next, search for the charity or cause – “Belfast And Lisburn Community Project”.
  • Finally, click ‘create your page’ and that’s it! You can now use your online fundraising page to accept donations.

Remember the funds will be sent across directly to Belfast And Lisburn Community Project so you don’t need to do anything else!

Social media is a great place to start promoting a fundraising page so get sharing and be proud to shout about your fundraising plans to help Belfast And Lisburn Community Project support families in crisis and people facing homelessness. GOOD LUCK!

Creating a fundraising page on Facebook

Rather than using a dedicated fundraising website such as GoFundMe, Facebook is also an alternative platform.

Simply follow these simple steps to get started:

  • On your Facebook home screen, search for ‘Fundraisers’
  • Click ‘Raise Money’
  • Select ‘Charity’
  • Select ‘Belfast And Lisburn Community Project’ (look for our logo), choose a cover photo and fill in the fundraiser form
  • Click ‘Create’.

That’s it, you’re ready to go!

Thank you for your support – you are changing lives!

We are so grateful that you have chosen to fundraise for Family Fund.

Thank you.

Four in five families (79%) report that their standard of living has worsened since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic while those facing homelessness have more impact.

Every penny you raise helps reach more people facing homelessness, more families living through hardship. Families that are living without essential items in the most challenging of times. For many of us we can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, however 42% of families believe it will take more than a year before their lives return to normal. 

With your help we can change that. Find out how your money helps.

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