Walk INN - 16 Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 1NT
02895 933232

Useful Contacts

Useful Contacts

Northern Ireland Housing Executive

If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, you should contact the NIHE as soon as possible.

After 5pm and at weekends use the following numbers:

Tel: 034 4892 0900    

Belfast and South East

Belfast, North, Mid
and East Down Areas

028 9056 5444

North East

Co. Antrim and
East Londonderry

028 9446 8833


Magherafelt & Cookstown
028 9446 8833

028 8283 3100

Londonderry, Limavady
& Strabane
028 7134 5171


Newry and Mourne
028 3083 5000

Armagh & Dungannon
028 3752 2381

Banbridge & Craigavon
028 3833 4444

028 6638 2000

South Tyrone
028 8772 2821

If you need assistance ‘out of hours’ (outside normal office hours including weekends and Public holidays), telephone: 028 95049 999.
Please use this number in an emergency crisis situation only. 

Housing Rights

The Housing Rights provides independent advice and information to people on a wide range of housing and debt matters. Their website has helpful online advice.

You can contact their advisors Monday to Friday 9:30am to 1:30pm.

Mortgage Debt Advice Service

If you are finding it difficult to afford your monthly payments, or your lender has started court proceedings to take possession of your home, you have no time to lose – the sooner you do something about your finances, the more options you may have for saving your home from repossession.

The Skainos Centre 
239 Newtownards Road
Belfast BT4 1AF

Tel: 028 9024 5640

Web: www.housingrights.org.uk

Tel: 030 0323 0310


Web: www.housingadviceni.org

Council for the Homeless Northern Ireland (CHNI)

CHNI represents over 100 organisations working with homeless people throughout Northern Ireland. It achieves this through providing training, information, research and collective representation.

3rd Floor, Andras House
60 Great Victoria Street
Belfast BT2 7BB

Tel: 028 9024 6440
Fax: 028 9024 1266

Email: info@chni.org.uk
Web: www.chni.org.uk

Simon Community Northern Ireland

Simon Community Northern Ireland actively responds to the needs of homeless people through initiatives aimed at prevention, provision and progression to independent living. Simon Community has accommodation at a number of places across Northern Ireland.

Simon Community NI has a free 24/7 helpline  0800 171 2222 for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. 

Cliftonville Avenue
Belfast BT14 6BX

Tel: 028 9023 2882
Free phone: 0800 171 2222
Fax: 028 9032 6839

Email: info@simoncommmunity.org
Web: www.simoncommunity.org

Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA)

NIFHA is the umbrella organisation representing, supporting and promoting the activities of thirty six registered and seven non-registered Housing Associations in Northern Ireland. Housing Association build, refit and/or buy new/rehabilitated housing for people applying to the common waiting list for social housing.

6c Citylink
Business Park
Albert Street
Belfast BT12 4HB

Tel: 028 9023 0446
Fax: 028 9023 8057

Email: info@nifha.org
Web: www.nifha.org

Insulation Advice and Grant Aid (Warm Homes Scheme)

The Warm Homes Scheme provides grants for Cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, draughtproofing windows and doors, hot-water-tank jackets, energy efficient lightbulbs, reflective radiator panels and other energy advice.

More info visit: www.nihe.gov.uk

Age NI

Age NI fight for disadvantaged older people by combating poverty, reducing isolation, challenging neglect, defeating ageism and preventing future deprivation.