Our Projects
Walk INN combined together
Walk INN Homeless Service
Walk INN Homeless Out Reach
Walk INN Emmergency Accomodation / Shelter
Walk INN Good Relation / Advise
Walk INN Food Bank
Walk INN Online Training And Forum
Walk INN Internet Data Support
Social Supermarket
Walk INN
To Support The Homeless
Belfast And Lisburn Community Project is a nonpartisan organisation committed to preventing and ending homelessness in our community and to support families in need..
Our approach is tailored to the people and our community. Wherever we work, we do so with common values and the same respect for each person we meet.
Our work ranges from providing safe shelter, accommodation, food and health services to helping people affected by homelessness receive the education, employment and social services they need.
Our goal is Recycling, Ending Poverty and to empower people who face homelessness. Improving their quality of life and helping them stay off the streets for good.
Try to avoid having to spend a night on the streets. Remember, you don’t have to be living on the streets to be homeless. You are homeless if the Housing Executive believes it’s not reasonable for you to continue living in your current home. That could be because you’ve been asked to leave, because you can’t afford it anymore or because living there is damaging your health.
Give Directly,
See Your Impact
Nobody truly starts out homeless. However, during one’s lifetime, various circumstances turn necessities we all take for granted, like food and shelter, into scarce resources. Whether it be mental health issues, addiction or family circumstance, some people lose their way. Most of us are too busy to see the problem.
One stereotype is that homeless people are scary, dirty, and worthless or should just get a job. We see human beings.
All profits support the BALCProject’s programs. Whether you shop, donate, or both, you’ll know that you’re making a positive impact to stop homelessness and poverty in our community.
Every , small or large, can have a huge impact on a person’s life.
Walk INN
Project to stop homelessness and to help the people living in the Belfast and Lisburn area, with the aim of recycling used Items that can be reused by other people living in the community.
As a self-funded charity, we rely on fundraising to enable us to carry out our work. You can help Belfast And Lisburn Community Project to feed, clothe, shelter and comfort those most in need.
You can help in a number of different ways, all s are used to help those most in need and also to raise funds through our Charity Shop to help the Homeless:
Monetary Donations
Text / SMS s:
To donate £1, text SNOY01 to 70201
To donate £3, text SNOY01 to 70331
To donate £5, text SNOY01 to 70970
To donate £10, text SNOY01 to 70191
Drop In Store
Donate clothes and other home accessories like shoes, jewellery, and handbags so they can be reused.
Food s can be dropped off to support our Walk INN Foodbank for families in crisis.
We are all in this together.
Pick Up
We will even collect your donated items from your home if you dont drive.
We can pick up smaller items from your address by contacting us.
Fund Raising
Our vital services cannot be provided without the people who support us through fundraising. You could join to raise fund in any of our events.
our Charity Food bank is here to help the homeless, individuals and families in crisis by providing free emergency food as well as support until the appropriate agencies are in a position to assist.

Bubble Mall Social Supermaket
Our Homeless Bubble Mall sells discounted food to people on a lower income, it is a new service which support individuals and families dacing financial hardship in the Lisburn and Belfast Area.
When you are buying something for yourself, you are buying for the HOMELESS

Latest News
Caring: We are passionate about what we do and care about each individual.
Collaborative: We work in partnership with others so as to best achieve our mission.
Dynamic: We are innovative, effective and results driven.
Enabling: Enable vulnerable people to make informed decisions about their lives.
Expert: We are authoritative, trusted and quality orientated.
Influential: We draw strength and legitimacy from the individual and combined voices and experience of homeless people and ensure that those voices are heard.
Belfast Charity Moves to New Premises for Community Growth
Year to Move *2024 – We have move to a new premises on the 16 Holywwod Road Belfast. Reason Belfast And Lisburn Community Project has grown well over the years.[…]
Read moreAffordable Groceries: Belfast’s Social SuperMarket for All
Bubble Mall Social SuperMarket What is a Social Supermarket? Our Social Supermarket offers a wide range of affordable groceries to help people eat well despite the increasing cost of living.[…]
Read moreWhat Are The Causes Of Homelessness?
The causes of homelessness are rarely straightforward Whatever the initial reason that someone becomes homeless (a relationship breakdown, for example), we know that poverty is likely to be an underlying[…]
Belfast And Lisburn Community Project Operates a Fundraising Charity Shop, Social Supermarket and also Foodbank that Surpport families in crisis